Hello I’m Izzy! Welcome to my world.

Here, I journal my unschooling family’s trajectory towards a slower, more mindful way of life. Sometimes it’s messy, oftentimes it’s noisy and occasionally there are moments of bliss.

I write honestly about this time in my life - how it looks to unschool four boys while building a sovereign and self-sustained life. I purposefully seek out moments with meaning in and amongst the messy adventure we are embarking on.

It’s my beautiful chaos.

We have recently moved from an urban town-house with a postcard-sized garden to a smallholding in the Buckinghamshire countryside, UK where we are renovating the 17th century stone cottage that sits on the land. We are at the beginning of our journey actualising the dream we collectively held for a long time.

I share plans for our growing smallholding which includes a cottage garden, orchard with mature fruit trees, a paddock, wildflower meadow and separate pony field plus two fields for grazing animals. There are outbuildings we plan to develop for hosting rentals, retreats and the odd passing visitor. The humans here are me, my husband Nick and our four boys aged 8-18.

I am also a Naturopathic women’s health coach, nutritionist and yoga teacher. You might know me from my Nourish & Flow Naturopathic health clinic. I love all things herbs, healing and seasonal living so expect extra special nourishing goodies sprinkled in with our renovation adventures.

As a free subscriber you will receive a monthly Sunday morning newsletter, sometimes narrated - where you can expect to hear about what’s been happening on my smallholding; stories of restoration and renovation of our cottage into a larger, healthier family dwelling exploring low-tox solutions and creating off-grid systems for future-proofing. There will also be a healthy sprinkling of our unschooling life and musings on slow living and natural nourishment. There are supplemental notes that I drop into your inbox on occasion if I feel like sharing something in my heart :)

If you upgrade to paid subscriber, first up THANK YOU! It is a complete joy for me to write and create content that is of value to you. By upgrading you are helping support my work and I can spend more time writing and developing essays and pieces of written work that are inspiring and resourceful as well. As a paid subscriber you will receive my monthly newsletters plus the following:

  • Regular renovation updates as they happen and unfold.

  • What we are doing to explore off-grid and healthy and sustainable living. Plus sharing systems, resources, people and small businesses who share our vision.

  • Up-to-date developments on our smallholding including never before seen pictures of the cottage and land

  • My back story plus the full archive of all posts

  • Seasonal recipes and crafts sourced from our smallholding offered to you as tutorials and additional resources

  • An upcoming membership - this is in the planning stage but will involve live online community meet-ups to share space and conversations on the things that matter to us

  • How we un-school. Shared resources, inspiration and projects for home-educating kiddos of all ages

  • FREE Naturopathic and coaching resources that I charge for in my clinic eg toxin-free DIY home cleaning recipes, hormone and adrenal health ebooks, nourishing recipes, yoga and breath work guides. These are all accessed via the homepage - as well as early bird sign-ups to future Nourish & Flow courses and workshops plus all the latest from my herbal clinic

Subscribe to get full access as detailed above plus publication archives.

Thank you for being here and being part of the story,

Izzy x

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A Naturopath's journey creating a self-sustained smallholding life, and exploring the link between health and home.


Naturopathic herbalist on a re-wilding journey with her family. Unschooling and remembering a slower more natural pace to life.